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Card Sagas Wars

Posted by Blues Monday, January 11, 2010

This amazing looking little fan made dream cross over fighting game created using the 2D fighting engine Mugen that seems to be taking a page out of Super Smash Bros (SSB) play book. Just like SSB this game contains characters from multiple franchises and from multiple developers. You'll find the big names like Mario, Link, Cloud, Samus, and Master Chief and stars from lesser known but equally popular titles amongst the hard core crowds with Soma (Castlevania), Etna (Disgaea), Crono (Chrono Trigger), X (Megaman X) and even Chun Li of Street Fighter fame makes an appearance. Current Plans are to have 36 playable characters and just like SSB it also contains nearly a hundred cameo characters who are not selectable however will be used as support characters.

If it plays as good as it looks and sounds this is going to be every hardcore gamers wet dream, no release date for now but check out the video below and visit the Card Gallery for more information.

1 Responses to Card Sagas Wars

  1. huihh Says:
  2. yoooooo


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