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Super Street Fighter 4 pre-release Impressions - Zangief

Posted by Blues Saturday, January 30, 2010

Zangief like the rest of the original cast seems to have negligible changes from Street Fighter 4. His Lariat reportedly does less damage....and that's about it as far as the bad things concerning Gief are concerned, so expect the Red Cyclone to be just as powerful as you remember him, even more so when you see what his new ultra can do.

The Siberian Blizzard is his new air Ultra and as you can see in the video below it looks just as crazy as his original did. Now unlike the Ultimate Atomic Buster this move is a total game changer. Now longer will Blanka Balls and Tiger Knees keep you at bay as the SB can grab any move that even put your character slightly airborne. Timing it right can totally change the game in your favour as the move does incredible damage just like the UAB.

Now apparently this move can also be landed if a lariat is FADC'ed or trade hits against, I have not seen this but if this is true, expect Gief to be even more hated this time around!


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